This article support Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace. Indonesia's furniture industry still has a glossy prestige in the world trade arena. Requests posted by buyers in a few exhibition is a golden opportunity to improve the export performance of furniture in this country. However, to make it happen, certainly not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. The ability of national producers in producing a quality product and in quantity, really need to be proven. The government has also undertaken efforts to develop the furniture industry. In addition, this sector has been set by the government as one of 10 leading commodity export nation. In other words, the export of furniture can still be very good for generating foreign exchange.

Today, the world's furniture market is still held by the country's leading furniture exporter. Among other things, namely Italy with a market share of 14.18%, followed by China 13.69%, Germany 8.43%, Poland 6.38%, 5.77% and Canada. Meanwhile, Indonesian furniture market is currently only reaches 2.9%. Not an easy task for entrepreneurs in the domestic furniture will be more competitive in the market to compete with a number of furniture manufacturers the world. In terms of price alone, Indonesian products are still quite high. Therefore, raw material prices here are still less competitive than in previous states. Not to mention the technology and promotion.

To encourage trade and increase exports, Indonesia is still facing problems and challenges that must be resolved, among them:

1. low level of diversification and quality of export products,
2. limited market access,
3. the practice of illegal exports and imports,
4. Total practice protectionism in the form of block trading and unfair competition, as well    as hidden subsidies from developed countries,
5. Relocation occurs industrial investment to these countries due to new competitors from    the unfavorable business climate in Indonesia,
6. Non-tariff barriers which are marked with environmental issues and problems of child    labor, and
7. still weak negotiating ability of Indonesian delegation at international forums.

For that, one of the steps that must be addressed is the problem of marketing distribution network. In addition, the Indonesian furniture industry will also need to do peremajaanmesin-furniture production machinery. In addition, banking support by providing low interest loans for working capital and export activities, are also indispensable. And, last but not least, the availability of raw materials must also get serious attention from all stakeholders in this industry sector. If the raw material supply problems are met, the prospects for increased exports of furniture will be blunt. Because in terms of quality raw materials and product design, Indonesia has an advantage compared with countries of other furniture manufacturers. Raw materials and furniture designs we are enthused by the market.

If that happens, it is time for Indonesia to build and develop the industry furnitures to apply on the world market. In addition, with the furniture industry grew, it also means to help realize the government's plan to reduce unemployment in this country. Remember, Furniture national industry including labor-intensive industries.

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